
Vickie Wright

About Me

I have been an RN for the past 50 years having started my nursing career in high school. I have worked in various areas of nursing and can say that the emergency room, ICU/CCU and surgery are the only areas I have not worked. I have also worked in post hospital areas of home health, hospice and volunteered with several organizations. Some of the positions I have held range from bedside nurse to a hospital Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). I also teach at an online University in the Health Sciences department.

My passion from a child has been healing hence the call to become a nurse. I have always known there is something more to healing. Hence, my exploration into energy medicine and my decision to step into it as the next step in my nursing career!

What is Energy Medicine?

The National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (2010) defines energy medicine as: “Energy Medicine is a word coined by three researchers who gathered at Boulder, Colorado, USA in the late 1980s. This is defined as any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism. Meanwhile, in the late 1990s, the National Institutes of Health, the official arm of health policy and implementation in the United States of America defined areas within Complementary and Alternative Medicine through five subdivisions. They are: 1. Mind–Body Medicine, 2. Biologically based practices, 3. Energy Medicine, 4. Manipulative and Body-based practices, and 5. Whole Medical Systems. While these divisions are not arbitrary, it is still breaking up a holistic area into disparate entities. At the core of all this is the concept of subtle energy, which seems to sustain and promote life processes in the biological system”.

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