

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy, also referred to as guided hypnosis, can be form of psychotherapy that uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness or mindfulness. In other words, it places the individual into a “trance” or altered state of awareness.

This form of therapy is considered alternative medicine with the purpose of utilizing one’s mind to help reduce or alleviate a variety of issues, such as psychological distress, phobias, and unhealthy, destructive, or dangerous habits (i.e. smoking and/or drinking). The aim of hypnotherapy is to create a positive change in an individual, while he/she is in a state of unconsciousness or slumber (sleep).

What is Hypnotherapy Used For?

Hypnotherapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions, issues, and unwanted/unhealthy behaviors, such as:

Note: Those, who have psychotic symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, should speak to a qualified hypnotherapist or psychologist to determine if this therapy is right for them.

While not a psychologist Vickie has been certified in hypnotherapy since 1996.


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